eNewsletter – June 2024

Download June Into The Blue here


eNewsletter Overview:

View Our Keynote Speaker Line-Up

We have a compelling line-up of keynote speakers including Inghams Group Limited, ARN Media and McCain Foods, all sharing their journeys toward constructive culture and leadership. 

Our 26th annual Human Synergistics Culture & Leadership Conference will again be brought to you face-to-face in both Melbourne on the 28th August, and in Sydney on 5th September, 2024. Confirm your complimentary spot today >> Register Here

2023 Testimonials & Highlights

You can revisit last year’s Conference Keynote Speakers (filmed in Sydney, post-presentation) as they share again their insightful journeys toward constructive culture and leadership. With a mix of backgrounds, challenges and environments, speakers from Sanitarium, Richard Crookes Construction and Rabobank impart their successes, learnings and future focus.
Watch Again

Having The Tough Conversations

Do you often put off the ‘you’re not performing’ conversation with members of your team? In this session Dominic Gourley and Corinne Canter discuss why giving challenging feedback can seem daunting. They talk at length on the importance of constant micro check-ins, opening up conversations on ‘what good looks like’ and discussing how and why people are being measured as ways to provide wider coaching support for the network. Listen Here

Do You Have An LSI Story To Share?

We are curious to hear from people, or nominated people who have an LSI developmental story to share for our Culture Bites Podcast. We often hear from many people within the network that the LSI has been life-changing. So if you are willing to share your personal insights into the transformational powers of the LSI, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact us here


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