Psychosocial Hazards: How the OCI/OEI Measures it

In this episode of the Culture Bites Podcast we map Safe Work Australia’s “Managing Psychosocial Hazards at Work” Code of Practice to Human Synergistics’ Organisational Culture/Effectiveness Inventories (OCI/OEI) Culture measure.

Listen to Culture Bites Episode:

185 – Psychosocial Hazards and the OCI/OEI:

Key takeaways from this episode:


When you have a healthy constructive culture people feel physically, psychologically, and culturally safe! Safework Australia have outlined these issues as major contributors to feeling safe or unsafe:

Job demands

making sure the demands of the role are realistic without excessive stress and time restraints. How unreasonable, intense, and physically expensive is the effort required to do the role? Look at goals and job design around the role. How empowered are staff with time and resource to do the job? On the flip side, if the job is too easy people become demoralised.

Low Job Control

is the level of autonomy not matched to the demands of the role? Look at the degree to which a person feels 100% responsible for how their job gets done. Foster co-setting goals with them. How empowered are people to apply their skills in the role in a changing environment? Examine the degree to which people are involved in the decisions on things that affect them in the role.

Poor support

Do staff feel unsupported rom colleagues, management, and resources? This really looks at the degree to which staff value their manager’s respect and opinion of them. How does one’s Manager help them solve issues? Can they rely on people within their teams when they’re needed?

Lack of Role Clarity

Uncertain and ambiguous job demands? Are their roles constantly changing? Is there role-conflict and mixed messages about how they do their role? Is there goal clarity – do staff understand the strategy and mission? Lack of specificity leads to staff questioning “where do I put my effort”?

Poor organisational change management

examines not communicating key information downwards and upwards. Is there a deficit of timely, formal, and clear communication? Is there a lack of involving people and staff in the change? Is there a lack of equity and access to learning?

Inadequate reward and recognition

Is there an imbalance between effort and recognition? Is there a shortfall of adequate praise when staff do well? Is there adequate Job design feedback? This really examines the degree to which staff sense how effective they are in their role, and whether they can self-assess.

Poor organisational justice

What are the people management systems, recruitment and HR appraisals in place? This centres around the degree to which people feel respected and are treated fairly, based on equity and merit.

Remote or isolated work

Is access to help and resources limited? What is the job design and conditions associated with it? High levels of autonomy are required for isolated job design.

Poor physical environment

Is there an element of hazardous and unpleasant physical environments? Is there violence, aggression, and physical intimidation behaviour present?

Conflict and Poor Relations

Are people excluded? What is the degree to which organisation interferes with a team members work?



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