Resources – want to know more?

Want to know more?

You will find on this page downloadable case-studies, white-papers and resources that can help you in your journey to enable individuals to reach their potential, groups to realise synergy, and organisations to achieve sustainability.

We help to develop effective leaders, innovative teams, and positive workplace cultures. Would you like more information on how we can help? Contact us here.

Understanding The Circumplex

The Human Synergistics Circumplex provides a way to see, measure, and change the thinking and behavioural styles proven to drive the performance of not only individuals but also groups and organisations.

Human Synergistics - About Us

Understanding LSI +

The LSI + takes the Life Styles Inventory™ one step further by combining qualitative and quantitative feedback.

LSI + helps individuals develop Constructive thinking and behavioral styles that are proven to drive effectiveness and performance.

Case Studies

Our custom processes are underpinned by tried, tested, refined and scientifically-backed diagnostic tools designed to ensure significant shifts in behaviour and thinking. Our measurement and culture diagnostics are revered across multiple industries and supported by hundreds of successfully endorsed case studies.

The Difference Human Synergistics Makes

“The Difference HS Makes” is an overview of who we are and what we do. The book also gives you an insight into our different diagnostic tools and approach to make sustainable change in individuals, teams, leaders and your organisation.

A great resource for you to use if you are wanting to learn more about Human Synergistics or to share with others.

Why Culture & Leadership Matters

The purpose of this book is to look more deeply into the specific changes in Individual Thinking, Behaviours, Strategies, Approaches and Organisational Practices that our diagnostic tools help facilitate every day. Most importantly, we have quantified the relationship between changes in thinking, behaviour and effectiveness.

This ability to show such strong, clear and meaningful links between behaviour and performance owes much to the pioneering vision of Human Synergistics’ founder Dr J. Clayton Lafferty and the ongoing research of Dr Robert A. Cooke and Dr Janet Szumal at Human Synergistics.

Cutting Through The Noise - What Is Culture?

Whilst it’s very ‘on trend’ to talk about culture right now, it’s not a new idea. Researchers have been studying culture for 40 years. Human Synergistics has been measuring organisational culture for 30 years. We know what it is. We know how it works. We know it can be changed.

It’s not just another word for organisational climate. It’s different than organisational climate. It’s not just about engagement. It’s not just about teamwork. It is about behaviour. It is about behavioural norms. It is about the messages people take from their work context about how they should do their jobs and interact with each other. It is about the expectations for behaviour established through organisational structures, systems, technologies, communication processes and leadership practices.

In this Whitepaper, Shaun McCarthy breaks down what culture is, how it works, and why it matters.

Beyond Employee Engagement

Jacob Morgan, in the March 2017 edition of the Harvard Business Review states: “Organizations are spending billions of dollars in employee engagement programs, yet their scores remain abysmally low… because most initiatives amount to an adrenalin shock. When organizations make real gains it’s because they’re thinking longer term.”

He then goes on to explain this by comparing organisations which focus on short-term fixes for engagement, versus a longer–term view of the employee experience – the organisations’ Cultures, and examining the differences in performance levels, particularly in terms of financial performance.

The purpose of what follows in this paper is to examine both Culture and Climate (engagement) and present a systematic way of measuring and changing employee experience within organisations in Australia and New Zealand.

Become Accredited

Our accreditation and training programs up-skill change agents to use the Human Synergistics diagnostic system to produce measurable improvements in individuals, groups and organisations. This network of change agents supports us in our vision of Changing the World – One Organisation at a Time®.

Culture Bites Podcast

Join host and HS Consultant Dominic Gourley as he and the Human Synergistics team and their guests delve into the nitty gritty of building constructive People, Teams and Organisations!


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We are known as the 'Pioneers of Culture Change' for a reason! Be the first in the know by following us on Instagram and our social channels!

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Contact Human Synergistics to find out how we can help you today!
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