Research Brief – What Type of Culture Supports Agile?
Establishing an Agile Mindset and Culture for Workforce Preparedness: A Baseline Study Gerald C. Gannod, Willam F. Eberle, Douglas A. Talbert, Robert A. Cooke, Kathy
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Establishing an Agile Mindset and Culture for Workforce Preparedness: A Baseline Study Gerald C. Gannod, Willam F. Eberle, Douglas A. Talbert, Robert A. Cooke, Kathy
Measuring Normative Beliefs and Shared Behavioral Expectations in Organizations: The Reliability and Validity of the Organizational Culture Inventory® Robert A. Cooke and Janet L. Szumal
What Matters More? The Impact of Industry and Organizational Factors on Organizational Culture Anjali Chaudhry, Ling Yuan, Jia Hu, Robert A. Cooke (2016) Click here
Thinking and Behavioral Styles as Described by Self Versus Others: A Replication and Extension with Male and Female Managers Janet L. Szumal, Cheryl A. Boglarsky,
In our earlier paper, Stages of Organisational Consciousness: Part I, we introduced the model and the 6 stages based on the foundation/construction of that model. This
This paper is designed to review the model through analysis of client data and attempt to gain some insight into how organisations transition through the